Spiritual Consultant
"They do not walk among us; it is we who walk among them."

My in-person Paranormal Living class is slated for one day only at Northern Essex Community College (NECC) in Haverhill, MA - Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 10 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Go to my Workshops page for details and the signup link, or click on the eye. See you there!

Life isn't just for the living.
The Spirit World is as much a part of my life as is my body, it's as much a part of my every day as is my breath. When spirits first spoke to me, I was barely talking; so young I didn't know fear, and in time I felt they were welcome friends. Later, around puberty, things changed. My body changed and so did my perception of life and the hereafter. I became afraid of the "stirrings." The tension, I believe, caused more active, often disturbing hauntings. It was like a crash course in spiritual communication. I learned deeply and quickly how the realms coexist.
Although my mother would tell me not to "talk about" ghosts, I still shared my stories among friends and classmates; and faced some ridicule and derision. But, over time, the more I opened up, the more I realized my experiences were not unique.
Whenever ghosts or hauntings came up, nearly everyone, regardless of background or social status, shared a common bond: They'd all experienced paranormal occurrences at some point in their lives, and they were open, even anxious to discuss them.
I've spent my entire life seeking, learning, exploring anything I could about the paranormal. I've talked to other mediums, those who specifically communicate with the spirit realm, as well as psychics, clairvoyants, telepaths, astrologers, intuitives, empaths, and other sensitives, just to understand their unique perception. With mediums, I found that there are as many commonalities as differences. Some hear voices, some feel a presence, some are touched, or witness moving objects, and some actually see apparitions. I've experienced all those things and more.
My gifts go a bit beyond spiritual communication. They encompass an innate intuitive understanding of what the departed are trying to tell us in order to guide us through the various changes and challenges we face in our everyday lives. They do still stand by us; they do still watch over us.
I'm available to those who seek answers. I don't channel, or chant, or use theatrics of any kind. I sometimes use tools and methods, similar to psychometry, reading residual energy from inanimate objects, or meditation, quietly convening with spirits, or using playing card spreads as conduits for clarity. I know the spirit realm well and am keenly sensitive to the constantly fluctuating life energy that surrounds us. If you have questions, I'm here to help.
What your life path really means.

Life is full of choices. Every day, whether consciously or unconsciously we make thousands of decisions that send us down different paths. Contrary to popular belief, there are no good or bad decisions - there are just decisions. No matter where your heart or mind leads you, there will be challenges and there will be joy. This is absolute. The goal is to minimize the pain to ourselves and to others.
When I do readings, clients invariably ask me if things will change. The answer is easy - of course. Change is the one true guarantee the universe has to offer. It is a constant. What we really want to know is, will things change as we want them to, for the better. Here's where decisions come into play.
When I consult the cards, I see a book. They align as things are, and lay out options, different paths and their potential results. Sometimes they show warnings; a particular path may bring you pain or take you further from your goal. When I ask what your goals are, I can tell you whether your current path will take you there. I will see what may manifest as obstacles - people, situations, the inevitabilities of life, and the spirits help me see if your current path is the one meant for your true self.
I will work with you to help you better understand our inextricable connection to the Spiritual Realm and why the departed try to reach back. Many spiritualists believe the two worlds are inherently separate, only allowing us occasional glimpses. While this is sometimes true, as a rule, I don't agree. I constantly feel the comforting warmth of spiritual energy around me. My approach is always fearless, for I believe in my heart, there is nothing to fear. There may be spirits who still carry anger, sadness, frustration, or any other intense human emotions and they struggle to deal with them, just as the living does. Treat them fairly and with respect and you will find your answers.
Recognizing your spirit guides...
Some call them demons, to others they are angels, over the years they’ve been given many names as humanity has worked its collective way through questions and fears: Spirits, ghosts, apparitions, poltergeists, specters, even guests, whatever you chose to call them, they are everywhere.
As a rule, I don’t like the term “haunted.” It has come to carry such a negative connotation over thousands of years, it bespeaks of torment and fear. When unsettling, inexplicable experiences happen around us, we naturally become afraid, but like most fears, they are based on misunderstanding and the unknown. My approach is as simple as communication. When we learn a new language, an entire culture is opened up to our understanding. Fears are replaced with curiosity, and tolerance becomes admiration. Our spiritual guides speak to us all the time in their own language. It’s time to quiet the clutter in our lives and actually listen.