A lot of people ask me if cemeteries and burial grounds are more haunted than other places. Because they're final resting places, many claim to have seen ghostly images drifting among the headstones at iconic townships, like Salem, home of the infamous witch trials, or Lexington and Concord, spurred by the rich Revolutionary War history. They believe the older the grounds, the better, when it comes to spiritual activity.
In my experience, it isn't necessarily true that cemeteries corner the market on spiritual activity. Consider the fact that those being buried have long departed their bodies by the time they reach a grave site. The grief others experience at their loss has often quelled some since the initial blow, and burials tend to be more of a finalization, absolute closure, and can be a calming experience for loved ones. This is not to say, however, that graveyards are never haunted.
Anywhere can be haunted. If a burial ground has spiritual activity, it may be because a particular spirit is somehow attached to the area or to their remains. Some spirits are resistant to release physical attachments for one reason or another. As a rule, I've found battlegrounds to be particularly rich with "spiritual air," that thick sense that something intense had occurred there. The swift exits spirits make with sudden and violent deaths almost always leave residual energy. Many souls lost in the heat of battle, combined with the intense fear, bravery, adrenaline, all the extreme emotions attached to war, will leave a deep and irrevocable imprint on the region.
I've often walked down bustling city streets, where you'd never expect lingering spirits, but have clearly heard voices speaking directly to me. One such incident happened several years ago in the heart of Chicago. I heard the distinct voice of a man who went by the name, Tiny. He told me he was an inordinately big man, hence the nickname, and he went on with long, rambling tales of his life, much of it indiscernible.
Spirits are truly everywhere. We can't always hear them and rarely see them. Sometimes they're able to move objects, or may brush by with a whispering reminder that they once were here. They may wander through graveyards, linger on cruise ships, rattle the rafters of abandoned asylums, or be standing behind you.
It's pointless to fear them.