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Workshop Details

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I'm so excited to share this news with all of you. My Paranormal Living - Navigating the Spiritual Plane in the Modern World class is slated for one day only, on October 26, 2024, from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m at Northern Essex Community College in Haverhill, MA. This is an in-person class and I can't wait to meet all of you who are interested in discussing the endless wonders of the paranormal. 

Link to the class signup page now available. 

"There's a lot more to the natural world than most people can imagine."


Nature offers us a plethora of gifts to use for our magickal needs. Learn more about the amazing magick that surrounds us all in "Spellbinding Sachets," a unique workshop experience.


Referencing her book, "Magic's in the Bag," co-authored with Chere Dastugue Coen, Jude explains the nuanced art of constructing your own "gris gris" bag or "spell sachet."


They've gone by many different names over the centuries, but whatever you choose to call them, their magickal properties abound. Learn about the varied history behind magick bags, what their uses are from across different cultures and throughout history and build your own bag to use for your specific intention.


Enough supplies to make one bag are included in the workshop fee. You may make a second bag for a small upcharge.


The next "Sachet" workshop will be Friday, April 27, 2018 7-9 p.m. at Circles of Wisdom in Andover, MA. Call - 978-474-8010 or go online to to make reservations.

"Magick is in your hands."


Join author Jude Bradley, "Magic's in the Bag," (Llewellyn, 2010) for a fascinating workshop about the power of the magick wand. Jude has been designing and making these uniquely powerful implements for more than 15 years. She'll bring her skills and particular understanding to participants through demonstrations, discussion and samples.


"Making a wand takes a lot of concentration. You must learn to listen to the life energies around you, and accept that all things have a voice."


When it comes to making wands, selecting the wood is the first, and most important step. Every tree exists within a different vibration, unique to that tree's molecular structure. The vibration is what gives each tree its special qualities. Why is oak so hard, while pine is so soft? Their inherent structure speaks volumes in the magickal world.


Learn to select the components of your wand - how to know which stones, metals, or other elements will serve the wand's purpose best. Learn how to mark your wand, whether with color or burning. And, most importantly, learn how to use your magick wand once completed and charged under the glorious full moon.


The next "Wand Work" workshop will be Thursday, March 15, 2018

7-9 p.m. at Circles of Wisdom in Andover, MA. Call - 978-474-8010

or go online to to make reservations.

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"They do not walk among us, it is we who walk among them."


Author Jude Bradley, "Magic's in the Bag," (Llewellyn, 2010) journeys through all things paranormal with this 8-week workshop/discussion hosted by the City of Woburn, MA Adult Education Program. The Fall session proved so popular that Jude's been invited back for the Fall of 2018. Classes start Thursday, October 11, 2018.


This workshop is designed to answer the age-old question, "Are ghosts real?" by bringing case histories, personal experience, and sharing anecdotal information that would challenge even the most ardent skeptics. The workshop includes a visit from paranormal investigator, Joe Rainone, as well as a field trip to Woburn's "First Burial Ground," the city's oldest cemetery, c.1646.


The next "Spirits, Specters and Shadows" 8-week workshop is  October 11 - December 6, 2018

and runs for 8 weeks on Thursday evenings

from 7-8:30 p.m.

Workshop fee is $75.

Classes are held at Woburn Memorial High School.


To register, contact the City of Woburn Recreation Dept. at:


or call - 781-897-5805 for more information. 


Registration for this class begins September 15,2018.

Be sure to reserve your space early as there is a class maximum.

Check back often - more workshops are always being added to the calendar...

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